How can I add comas for every 3 numbers?

So I’ve been trying to add commas for every 3 numbers for my game and I’ve tried looking for solutions on the DevForum. I found thispost but it didn’t seem to work for me for some reason.

This is all in a local script

local function format_number(v)
	return tostring(v):reverse():gsub("%d%d%d", "%1", (#tostring(v) - 1) / 3):reverse()

	MoneyUiText.Text = "$".. format_number(money.Value)

Even though this seemed like it was going to work, it didn’t for some reason. Also when I’m in the script editor I keep seeing this orange line beneath the “%1”.

How can I fix this?

The “%1” is a format warning. Try “%i” to use integers instead, which will be correct and the warning will go away.

So I reloaded studio, opened the script and the line was gone so I retried playing the game but it didn’t work. I then tried your method and tried using “%i” but it also gave a line…

What does the warning say when hovering the mouse over the line?

This is string.gsub replacement string format. You are talking about string.format format specifier.

To OP: You didn’t include the separator (,) are the end of the replacement string.

I’d change %1 to %0 for matching entire pattern for replacement string argument on string.gsub as %1 emits a warning for this even though it is valid (IIRC someone said somewhere on the forum that this is intentional but I can’t find it now and don’t quote me on that).

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That’s the thing, there is no warning.