How can I add this to my gui?

So I have this custom leaderboard Gui right now and I really want to know how to add it so that if a developer joins the game, a custom symbol or something comes up next to their name.

How would I check for this and more importantly how would I add it right next to the name?


for i, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
	local template = script:WaitForChild("LeaderboardGui"):Clone()
	template.Name = plr.Name
	template.PlayerPicture.Image = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(plr.UserId,Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot,Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)
	template.PlayerPicture.PlayerName.Text = plr.Name
	template.Parent = playerListFrame.PlayerHolder

if #game.Players:GetPlayers() >= 7 then
	playerListFrame.PlayerHolder.CanvasSize =,0,1.05 + ((#game.Players:GetPlayers()-7) * .15),0)
	playerListFrame.PlayerHolder.CanvasSize =,0,0,0)

To my knowledge there is no way to see if the person has developer access to the map. There are some alternatives such as.

  • Listing your developers in a table
  • If you have a group, check if they have the developer rank.

I understand that, but how can I exactly add an icon or image label next to their name with like a hammer icon or a star icon. Please add example code if possible.

Oh, for that instead of a single text label for their name, you would make a template with an image label already there as well as the actual name text label. Then, if the player is in a table called “developers” the image’s Visible property, can set to true. This way, instead of just the text label, you’ll be cloning the entire template for each player that joins the game.

Add the desired image into the template, size it correctly and then add this code:

if plr.UserId == 1 or plr.UserId == 2 or Plr.UserId == 3 then
template.Icon.Visible = true
template.Icon.Visible = false