How can I change the sky when I hover over a Text Button?

I’m trying to change the skybox when I hover over a text button. How would I go about this?

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Get your skyboxes into a folder. Make a script where if the MouseEnter event is fired it’ll move the current skybox into the folder and the new one into game.Lighting

Insert a textbutton.
Now, if you want to make it local, so like only that player can see the new skybox who hovered the mouse over the gui, insert a localscript.

	game.Lighting.Sky --change the skybox you want

If you want to make it back to the origin after the player hovered its mouse, say

local skybox = false

	if not skybox then
		game.Lighting.Sky --First skybox
		skybox = not skybox
		game.Lighting.Sky --Origin skybox
		skybox = not skybox
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This worked. Thanks very much. I was trying something local similar to this but couldn’t figure it out. Thanks though.

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