I’m trying to make a customization system where clothes and accessories can be put on a skinned mesh character. I want a way to add clothes without having to export it along with the body, but I want the clothes to follow the same animations as the body.
I can’t figure out exactly how to do this. I’ve tried RigidConstraints, but that welds the entire mesh for some reason instead of only moving the bone (and only one constraint works at a time). I’ve also tried an AlignOrientation constraint, but that doesn’t affect the bone at all.
Example: The constraint would have the body’s shoulder.L bone as Attatchment 0, and the shirt’s shoulder.L bone as Attatchment 1. This didn’t work.
The shirt and body are separate meshes and I’m trying to make the shirt follow the same animations and deformation as the body.
In the skinned mesh announcement topic, many people asked this question and the only solution posted was to export the clothes along with the body in the first place. However, I don’t this would work well with a customization system and it would be annoying to have to export the entire file every time I want to add a new clothing item. None of the replies in the announcement topic got a good answer so I’m not sure what to do.