How can I create an event using JavaScript & node.js that'll trigger when a new asset is uploaded to a group store for a custom bot?

Hi there!

I’ve recently opened a clothing group as well as a discord server to keep communication with my customer(s).

I wanted to ask if anyone would know a possibly route on how I could check for when an asset is uploaded to my group store (aka clothing) so I can notify the users on my discord server (aka send a message in a channel and tag everyone).

I have my own custom bot that I created which uses roblox-js for various functions. However, they do not have a function that can be used to trigger when a new asset is uploaded, thus I need a new route.

If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.

Thanks! :smiley:

  • Vritix

Any reason you can’t just poll your group store every minute or so to check if something new was added?

I doubt your group would mind that a notification came at most a minute late.

Not a bad idea at all actually, I should’ve thought about that.

Would using the catalog_api be the best route for getting the assets?

I believe WebGL3D uses the catalog API for Roblox+, and I do think using catalog API would be the best route.