How can I improve my building skills?

How can I improve my building skills?
I need some tips.

My past work


It is all depending on the question “What are you gonna build?”. So first, I recommend you to try and build something.

After doing that so, we will review it and will give you some feedback on it and what should you improve after all.


Do you have something to show us? We don’t know what’s your skill of you aren’t showing us anything.

I just want tips to improve my building skills.

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Well, we don’t know your capability, I would like to see things you have created so I know how far you’ve gotten before! Also I suggest using the dev forum search bar as there are many topic in this. This one may help:


We need to know what you are good at first, before telling you what you should do. It’s just like teaching a person that wants to learn math, so you teach them exponents in math when you didn’t know that they were a first grader.

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I added screenshots right now.

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I added screenshots right now. :+1:

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I added screenshots right now. :+1:

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It looks really nice! What I suggest is to try making low poly or textures, because that’s a huge part of building!


Small details on models can be a big difference in how a object comes out, for example with the chairs look at a normal chair and see the curves, smaller details, etc, add those and it’ll vastly improve most models.

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It may help you build if you go of a real life building, so you have a picture to refer back to while during.
Sorry if this wasn’t much help.


I like it a lot! ^^
The thing is everything looks blocky,I recomend you to make more detailed models~
And use better the space…
For the rest is looking cool ^u^


Me gusta bastante! ^^
El problema es que todo se ve muy estilo bloque… Te recomiendo que uses modelos mas detallados y no tan cuadrados!
Y aprovecha mas el espacio~
Se ve bien ^u^

To improve your building skills i would recommend 2 things:
1.Try filling as much spaces as you can, in some pictures like the cafe one, there’s a lot of empty spaces and i would recommend adding as much as details as you can.
2.Use blender to make better and improve models and also play with lighting to have a better Background…
After all great job!

I know this may not sound very useful, but we all start somewhere. Try building from references to start. That and practice, practice, practice. It’s an acquired skill but you can do it :smiley:

It just takes a lot of practice. It took me five to years to get to where I am now.

Your builds are pretty good. The rocket is pretty much everything you even showed us in that one picture though…

edited: That felt mean now I’m sad. :cry:

Let’s build in 2020 style not 2008 for starters not to be mean but kinda looks like a game i would play in 2008.
Add some textures and some trees some detail Lighting and shadows and more :smiley:!

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All I would have to say is, practice. I have developed my skills to (if I do say so myself) a good level. I never used any resources, for me the best way to learn is to experiment with the tools in studio etc. I always find that when I make something that’s inspired off of something in real life, the build results are the best.


Maybe a white glass material on the side of the ovens, the interior roof of the cafe should be a different material or possibly different colour and material.