How can I make a gui be the same size on every size screen?
- edit: and same position as well
How can I make a gui be the same size on every size screen?
UIAspectRatioConstraint will help with this.
I personally use this plugin.
If I am not mistaken you can also scale your UI via Offset however when you use scale it not in the properties it will do it via scale so thats why you need a plugin otherwise or calculate stuff.
There is a very good and popular plugin
Yes this exact plugin will help you out
This will make it so the Gui is a little off centered on my iphone X, how would i fix that?
Change the AnchorPoints to 0.5, 0.5 and then position them at 0.5 scale, on both X and Y and its directly centred, play around with how you please, but having that anchor point guarantees centring UI regardless of the sizing.
Just wanted to let you know, what you have written here is opposite, using Scale makes it the same, offset makes it one size no matter how big or small the screen (doesn’t scale with screen size). When just using the studio scale ui handles, if you have not manually set the UI to use scale in the size yet, then it will use offset