How can I prevent my terrain generator from making these holes?

I have a terrain generator that uses 3D Perlin noise to generate terrain, the terrain generator generates terrain around the player instead of a fixed area. However, there is an issue where when the terrain gets really low, there becomes these holes in the ground:

Is there anything I can do to stop these massive holes?

Since I don’t want to show the code that I use to do all the terrain generation, I’m only going to show the code that generates the terrain:

local seed = math.random(-1000000000, 1000000000)
local amp = 200
local fre = 1
local scale = 400
local maxDensity = 0
local size = 256
local frequencyDetail = .3
local scaleDetail = 250
local detailOffset = 1
for x = -size/2, size/2 do
	for y = -128/2, 128/2 do
		for z = -size/2, size/2 do
			local aNoise = math.noise(fre * (x / scale), fre * (y / scale), seed) * amp * (math.noise((frequencyDetail) * (x / scaleDetail), (frequencyDetail) * (y / scaleDetail), seed) + detailOffset)
			local bNoise = math.noise(fre * (z / scale), fre * (x / scale), seed) * amp * (math.noise((frequencyDetail) * (z / scaleDetail), (frequencyDetail) * (x / scaleDetail), seed) + detailOffset)
			local cNoise = math.noise(fre * (y / scale), fre * (z / scale), seed) * amp * (math.noise((frequencyDetail) * (y / scaleDetail), (frequencyDetail) * (z / scaleDetail), seed) + detailOffset)
			local density = aNoise + bNoise + cNoise + y
			if density < maxDensity then
				workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(, y, z),, 4, 4), Enum.Material.Grass)

So can someone please help me stop these holes in the terrain?

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Since your example hole is at y = -64 I’m assuming, and that is the main place you’d want to fill, you can try this:

			if density < maxDensity or y == -64 then --Y can equal anything, just as long it is as the bottom of the world
				workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(, y, z),, 4, 4), Enum.Material.Grass)
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