How can I return this back to the Server?

Been stuck on this for a while, but I have a RemoteFunction that invokes to the client and runs a bunch of different stuff before returning back to the Server.

I want this function to return instantly if the Magnitude between this NPC, and the Player is more than 10. I have all that set up, and I’m using a connection to be able to Disconnect the function once it’s complete.

The problem is; When I return "Timedout", it returns "Timedout" back to what was calling the function, not back to the server if you know what I mean. Don’t know how to explain it well, but it’s not returning it back through the RemoteFunction to the server. See the script for more info.

-- .OnInvoke event somewhere up here ^^
local MaxDistance = 10
local MovingConnection
local function PlayerMoving()
	local Magnitude = (CustomerRoot.Position - Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude
	if Magnitude > MaxDistance then
		task.delay(1, function()
		return "Timedout"
		-- definitely not the best way to do this, but the delay is to stop...
        -- the function from being disconnected before I'm able to return
        -- so I delay a second on a new thread, then it returns and will disconnect the function
        -- if you have any better ideas on how I can do this, let me know please~~
MovingConnection = Character.Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("MoveDirection"):Connect(PlayerMoving)
-- a bunch of other code following this, which I want to continue to run
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-- .OnInvoke event somewhere up here ^^
local MaxDistance = 10
local MovingConnection
local Return = nil
local function PlayerMoving()
	local Magnitude = (CustomerRoot.Position - Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude
	if Magnitude > MaxDistance then
		task.delay(1, function()
		Return = "Timedout"
		-- definitely not the best way to do this, but the delay is to stop...
		-- the function from being disconnected before I'm able to return
		-- so I delay a second on a new thread, then it returns and will disconnect the function
		-- if you have any better ideas on how I can do this, let me know please~~
local Signal = Character.Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("MoveDirection")
MovingConnection = Signal:Connect(PlayerMoving)
repeat task.wait() until Return
return Return
-- a bunch of other code following this, which I want to continue to run