How can you detect if a mobile player moved the camera too little or if it moved the camera too much?

How can you detect if a mobile player moved the camera too little or if it moved the camera too much?

Edit: (Doesn’t reply anymore i found a solution!)

Thanks, if it help me i’ll give you a solution!

By this method it didn’t work.

Really simple
You just do this

local LastCameraCFrame
while wait(0.25) do
      Local Change = LastCameraCFrame - workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame
      LastCameraCFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame

The change now would only be from the 4th vector to the last vector, which is the angle, and I just remembered that you can also just use .RotVelocity if that’s avaible for the camera

By this method it didn’t work too.

Uhhh then what are you searching for? You have written one line of what you want

Take the last vectors and turn it into a vector3 and then add magnitude. That’s it

I found a solution to solve my problem!