Three hours read time actually.
Where did you hear that? I can find people with lower criteria in two of those categories super easily; this is easily proven false. (Obviously not going to call out specific users, since I’m sure they’re perfectly competent developers.) @Astro_Plays1234: Discourse doesn’t even support basing the criteria off days visited.
This criteria doesn’t always apply, my sister got in with 2 hours of read time, 2.3k posts read (I think) and 150 topics viewed. I on the other hand, got accepted with 3 hours of read time, 860 something posts read and (I think) 150 topics viewed, I’m not too sure.
Yes, despite the entrance of the forum, most likely that the user could have joined under different criteria.
Back then, international groups (ESDevelopers, PTBRDevelopers, FRDevelopers, DEDevelopers) were closed groups and devrel manually invited you to them. It wasn’t until a while back now that the groups became open.
Sounds like devrel manually put the user in there when they were closed?