How do I check if two or more values in a single table are equal/same?

The question is pretty simple I have a table of votes (all integer values), and I want to check if it’s a tie, so I want to just know how to check if two values in that one table are same or equal to each other?

if integertable[1]==integertable[2] then

1 and 2 would be the first and second values in the table.

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for _, v in pairs(Table) do
    for _, val in pairs(Table) do
        if v == val then
            print( "Found a match! " .. v .. " equals " .. val)

The inner loop has a duplicate reference to Table and I think it’s not necessary in the case mentioned by the OP.

Doesn’t he want to check if there are two of the same values in the table? What that script is doing is iterating through the table, and then inside that iteration it iterates through the same table again to see if there are any matches.

function duplicatesExist(arr) --returns true if two or more values in array equal, false otherwise
    local hash = {}

    for i = 1, #arr do
        local v = arr[i]
        if hash[v] == nil then
            hash[v] = i
            return true
    return false

Make the source of value the comparison
I am comparing a group of players who are closest to the screen
The name of the player closest to the screen appears on the screen
As in the picture

Danielmasterlions Closest to the screen

Jacobtheherowrestler Closest to the screen

Put this program in every player

local Enable = true

while true do
Enable = true

local Pillar = game.Workspace.Pillar
local ClosestValue = game.Workspace.ClosestValue

local DistanceTable = {}
for _, character in pairs(workspace:GetChildren())do
if character.Name ~= script.Parent.Name then
local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
local root = character:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”)
if root ~= nil and humanoid ~= nil and humanoid.Health > 0 then
local Distance = (root.Position - Pillar.Position).magnitude

DistanceTable[#DistanceTable + 1] = Distance		


for index = 1, #DistanceTable do
–print(index, DistanceTable[index])
local Myroot = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”)
local MyDistance = (Myroot.Position - Pillar.Position).magnitude

if MyDistance > DistanceTable[index] then		
   Enable = false

if Enable == true then
ClosestValue.Value = script.Parent.Name


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You want the two values ​​to be the same, and I know that

If you are close to what you want to do, I will send you the file containing all the details

right now using this, it works, but I want it to only delete the duplicated value, not both. For example, it finds 2 values that are the same, but destroys both of them. How can I make it only destroy 1?