How do i concat with require function?
local Me = .Function()
local Path = script.M
if there’s even a way to do this
How do i concat with require function?
local Me = .Function()
local Path = script.M
if there’s even a way to do this
What do you mean…??? Change the path (concate something to it)? Add something to the required module?
Please elaborate, no idea what you’re trying to ask.
im trying to concate with module script’s require function
--path module
local path = {}
path.init = function()
--stuff here
--file you're requiring it from
local Path = script.M
do you mean something like this?
no i need to concate with the function require
like you concate with string, something like
print("Hi "".")
but in this case is function
im trying my best to explain
print("Text "..functionThatReturnsAString().." yes?")
Is this what you mean?
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