How do I detect if a dialogue option is clicked?

You know roblox’s built in ncp dialogue system, I want to make it so a script senses if an option is clicked. Is this possible?

Edit: I figured it out, the dev hub said that the thing needs a local script, cause it returns the player in the script. So I just placed it in starter player scripts and it worked.

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This might be what your looking for, but you might just be better off making your own dialogue system

Dialog.DialogChoiceSelected (
The link says it won’t fire on the server btw

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Ye uh late reply. Sorry.
I did this, yet it doesn’t print… There are no errors.

local cool = script.Parent


“cool” is the dialog option

well to be fair i dont work with dialog so i have no idea, but there is a second parameter, which is the dialog choice. you might need to put a string or a path if the dialogchoice is a object or if its a property then you’d probably do Dialog.DialogChoice

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You could try use Click Detector

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idk if that would work and i just tried doing this:

local clickDetector = script.Parent.ClickDetector

function onMouseClick()
	print("You clicked me!")


And it didnt work

DialogChoiceSelected only works on a Dialog, not a DialogChoice.

dialog.DialogChoiceSelected:connect(function(player, choice)
	if choice == cool then
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Did you used a Local Script? Click detector don’t work with local Script but you can Use a script and a remote event that will Fire The Client with the information and use

    print("You clicked me!")