How do I get my game's ratings back up?

A good while back there was a pretty big bug on the site where promptpurchases wouldn’t work and even tho it was there for only a few hours my game rating (a homestore shop kind of game) has been in the decline of my group game’s ratings even after its been fixed. I been struggling with keeping my rating afloat for a good while, and seeing other games of the same type get flourishing ratings, we talkin like 85% + while im hardly even a 77% at this point I just don’t get it. Below this will be a link to it incase anyone wants to investigate this.
Game link

I already encourage people to message me bugs so i can fix them and to give me feedback and i take it into consideration to work on it the next update but then again, USUALLY I have to find the bug’s myself since barely anybody messages me anything about this stuff and i get the bugs fixed asap. I tend to update the game a few times a month otherwise, people usually say that the store and clothing looks nice 99% of the time when im in the game so at this point im at a loss on how to get my game rating back, I know it’s weird to be asking about this over a homestore but with games in general a good rating brings people in.


Storefront games tend to be a niche type of game. As you said, and I agree, the game itself is well made, optimized, and serves its purpose. I personally believe that your game’s ratings will improve over time, seeing as the audience for these games are small. The only thing I can really recommend is putting out advertisement and recording your like/dislike ratio.

TL;DR your game isn’t the issue, but rather the niche audience not upvoting the game enough. over time this ratio can improve


The problem isn’t the game it’s very likely someone had botted the dislikes for it or it’s just something natural that happens with a game a 77% is fairly good compared to the other games so you should be happy with it.

Yeah im aware that my ratio could improve but its really concerning because before the bug happened i was really close to it being 79%, I been calculating my ratings nearly daily for about a month now and seeing it slowly going down just kills me to look at

It’s honestly normal for a game with 2M+ visits to have a ratio like yours.

If you want to improve the ratio, i suppose you could just give the store a second floor and just display more clothing for everyone to pick and choose.