How do i give certain players certain items

I know how to give players a certain amount of cash but how do you do that with items? if anyone could help me out that would be highly appreciated! thank you for your time.

The same way you give them cash but instead of setting a value, clone a tool for them. Did you try this out first or do some research (e.g. on the DevForum or for existing resources that already do this) before asking for help? You might’ve been able to get a rough idea of what you needed to do.

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You need to create a script for the item which includes giving them the item. However, since you want to give it to specific players, you will need to insert their username in order for the script to give the item to the specific users. There are probably multiple Youtube tutorials on this.

Thank you!!i tried making my own script but it didn’t worked so i looked on youtube and added a few things and it worked thank you!

No problem! Happy to help you!

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