How do I make a custom leaderboard?

  1. Use players:getplayers()

  2. Why do you use a for loop in a numbervalue?

Im needing to create a separate Text Label for each stat, that how I would get each stat individually right?

In the player label make all the leaderstats label you wish to make

I got different Tabels for each value, so i just fixed the error, but how do decode the Tabel?

Wdym decode? Why do you want to decode it

The table is just letters and numbers. Like this: table: 0x4069ce12cfa35ff4. I want to make that into a readable number

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Which table though? Which one are you mentioning

What do you mean?
Here is my new code:

function GetStats()
	for _,v in next,Players:GetChildren() do
		for _,c in next,v:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):GetChildren() do
			if c:IsA("NumberValue") then
				local cc = c:GetChildren()

when i print cc, it prints a table for each leaderstat value. All i need to know is how do i make it into a readable number

You can index the player using brackets in the Players:GetPlayers() for loop. Retrieve their stats that way