Hello all! I am a very new scripter and I want to do something which looks relatively simple. So the basic idea: Just a literal brick and pilot seat welded together that work as a helicopter with these controls:
-W&S for back and forth
-A&D for yaw
-E&Q for up/down
The idea is that it’s smooth as in the movements kind of aren’t immediate. When you get in the helicopter(pilot seat), the rotors start to spin with a motor and the engine turns on. The controls can only be used when the engine is on.
It would be much appreciated if anyone can write the script for it or at least walk me through how to code it.
I recommend using the UserInputService for detecting the controls. Use a remote event and fire the server on a (meaningful) input change. Use the server event handler to change a LinearVelocity attached to the helicopter. MaxForce can change it’s acceleration and the LinearVelocity serves to be a max speed.
I also have two DevForum related notes:
I feel like this question may have been answered before on here. Try searching the forum before posting a question to see if it’s been answered before.
Also, please don’t ask people to code something for you on here. Instead, go to the Talent Hub if you want to pay someone for a commission to do this.
Totally forgot about using forces on the client, thanks. Also if you do it this way, you’ll definitely need to do server-side speed checks to make sure the clients aren’t exploiting.