How do I make a Model on a Mac? I tried looking up YT tutorials but couldn’t find any because they were all for PC.
If you mean group parts, just use Command + G
I’m using my Laptop for modeling. And I can say it’s pretty easy. You’ll just need a mouse. Well I think It’s similar in Modeling even if you’re in a Laptop or Mac… Correct me if I’m wrong.
I meant how do I make a model so I can transfer it to another one of my games.
Just right click on the model and click ‘Save to Roblox…’
It will open a window to publish it as a model in your toolbox.
I dont think you can right click on a mac can you?
You can “right click” by holding Control while clicking with the left mouse button.
Just fyi, you can also enable right click in your mac’s settings, but its a tad weird to use, since theres no dividing line for the magic mouse.