How do I randomise these list of ids that are played?

Hi there, I have a music playlist script that plays of on one sound only, and it goes of a list of id’s in a script. However I want it to be randomised instead of randomised.

music = {
	"rbxassetid://3044286747", --here put the ids of the music


while true do 

	for i = 1, #music do

		local currentmusic = music[i]
		local SongID = string.match(currentmusic, "%d+")
		local SongInfo = MPS:GetProductInfo(SongID)

		musicplayer.SoundId = currentmusic 
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maybe you should do something like
i = math.random(1,array.length)

and do


Im not giving the code to you im giving advice on how you are gonna do that

Have a good day

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I understand dude, I may of made that topic too spoiled. Also for the line, “music[i]:Play(),” would i have to change the last line and replace it with that? What changes would that serve?

You can use math.random & get the length of the table using the # operator, which in your instance would be a total of 12-14’ish songs

Instead of using a for 1 = 1 loop to go through the table in a chronological order, choose a random song from 1 of the songs inside the table, detect if a sound is valid to play (If it is, then play it) then wait for the song to end to play another random song:

local RandomSong = music[math.random(1, #music)] 
local SongID = string.match(RandomSong, "%d+")
local SongInfo = MPS:GetProductInfo(SongID)

musicplayer.SoundId = RandomSong

quick question, what does this string mean?


A very complicated, yet simple string

%d would be detecting only digits inside the string you’re attempting to search for (1, 50, 49483, etc)

+ would be allowed to detect more than 1 string & would keep going until the string ends

local String = "200"

local Example1 = string.match(String, "%d")
print(Example1) --This would only print the first number inside the string, or "2" as there's no modifier
local String = "200"

local Example2 = string.match(String, "%d+")
print(Example2) --This however would print all the numbers inside the string, or "200"

The + symbol is basically a modifier, as it modifies what you’re attempting to look for

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i forgot to mention but inside of the whole script, a sound instance is added

As long as you’re able to reference the Sound Instance inside the script, then it should work fine provided the math.random() example I gave

hmm seems like i did something wrong. no errors were shown in output

local musicplayer ="Sound",workspace) 

music = {
	"rbxassetid://3044286747", --here put the ids of the music


while true do 

	local RandomSong = musicplayer[math.random(1, #music)] 
	local SongID = string.match(RandomSong, "%d+")
	local SongInfo = MPS:GetProductInfo(SongID)

	musicplayer.SoundId = RandomSong


You should be getting the table inside first, but instead you got the musicplayer which is referencing the Sound you inserted inside the workspace

Try replacing that line with this:

	local RandomSong = music[math.random(1, #music)]

works now thanks!