Hi there, I have a music playlist script that plays of on one sound only, and it goes of a list of id’s in a script. However I want it to be randomised instead of randomised.
music = {
"rbxassetid://3044286747", --here put the ids of the music
while true do
for i = 1, #music do
local currentmusic = music[i]
local SongID = string.match(currentmusic, "%d+")
local SongInfo = MPS:GetProductInfo(SongID)
musicplayer.SoundId = currentmusic
I understand dude, I may of made that topic too spoiled. Also for the line, “music[i]:Play(),” would i have to change the last line and replace it with that? What changes would that serve?
You can use math.random & get the length of the table using the # operator, which in your instance would be a total of 12-14’ish songs
Instead of using a for 1 = 1 loop to go through the table in a chronological order, choose a random song from 1 of the songs inside the table, detect if a sound is valid to play (If it is, then play it) then wait for the song to end to play another random song:
local RandomSong = music[math.random(1, #music)]
local SongID = string.match(RandomSong, "%d+")
local SongInfo = MPS:GetProductInfo(SongID)
musicplayer.SoundId = RandomSong
%d would be detecting only digits inside the string you’re attempting to search for (1, 50, 49483, etc)
+ would be allowed to detect more than 1 string & would keep going until the string ends
local String = "200"
local Example1 = string.match(String, "%d")
print(Example1) --This would only print the first number inside the string, or "2" as there's no modifier
local String = "200"
local Example2 = string.match(String, "%d+")
print(Example2) --This however would print all the numbers inside the string, or "200"
The + symbol is basically a modifier, as it modifies what you’re attempting to look for
hmm seems like i did something wrong. no errors were shown in output
local musicplayer = Instance.new("Sound",workspace)
music = {
"rbxassetid://3044286747", --here put the ids of the music
while true do
local RandomSong = musicplayer[math.random(1, #music)]
local SongID = string.match(RandomSong, "%d+")
local SongInfo = MPS:GetProductInfo(SongID)
musicplayer.SoundId = RandomSong