How do I split string to 3 different?

I need help with splitting string, a player enters command and then it should split to 3 parts seperated by space, I only managed to split 2, and 3rd just returns nill, how can I make that and select 2nd and 3rd parts?


Can you send the script? Also, are you using split()?

Try doing

local SplittedString = string.split(string.lower(YOURSTRING), " ")

now you can acces splitted strings like this:

SplittedString[1] = ...
SplittedString[2] = ...
SplittedString[3] = ...


local String = "Tp all garden" -- what player said
local SplittedString = string.split(string.lower(String), " ")
if SplittedString[1] ~= nil and SplittedString[1] == "tp" then 
	if SplittedString[2] ~= nil and SplittedString[2] == "all" then
		if SplittedString[3] ~= nil and SplittedString[3]  == "garden" then
			-- rest of the code

If you are using something like that, as demonstrated in @FilipBylbo 's code snippet, remember that Luau’s index starts at 1 and not 0, unlike other programming languages.