How is this not a valid member of workspace?

Ive noticed that some of my client scripts if i refrence something in the workspace (for example a part) it will say its not a member of workspace now these scripts used to work a few weeks ago so its probably a roblox update heres a example


Can you show us this MUSICCUBE that is a descendant of workspace?
A screenshot of explorer

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That’s strange. Why not use :WaitForChild()

local MusicCube = workspace:WaitForChild("MUSICCUBE")
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I can do that but its strange because it happend to ALL of my client scripts that try to refrence a part or something in the workspace and a few weeks ago were working fine!

That’s weird…
Can I see how you define Workspace? I’m curious.

These parts your having trouble referencing are they added via a script?

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The parts are already in the workspace and i use workspace.(part name here)

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Is the problem still occurring? If so let me know so that I may continue to help.

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With the waitforchild? I havent tried it yet let me see if it works real quick

It’s probably because you have streaming enabled.

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