How many likes does it take to get on Top rated (ik its closed)

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. **What do you want to achieve? i want to make a game and get it on the front page

i was wondering i know you have to have +1,000 visits but what are the requirements to get on the front page and is there any way to sign up to get on it?

Top rated is now hand-picked by Roblox themselves, if I’m correct. There isn’t a sign-up page. This was because lots of games abused the system using bots.

Here’s a good video explaining the situation:
Video Here

It’s by KonekoKitten, a youtuber.

ik thats why im asking im asking this so when it comes back up then i can do this im also subbed to him

Top rated means that you have a good like/dislike ratio(the percentage), in order to achieve that, you could make a unique and good game that people enjoy. A lot of showcases get tons of likes and get on the top rated page because they are good and a lot of effort has been put in them. If you have a low effort game, people can tell and won’t want to like your game.

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