How should i do this?

basically, i have a table of very simple math problems: local EasyProblems = {17+10, 20+13, 40-21, 20-7, 14+12, 18+2, 21-3, 14-8, 15+6, 9+10, 7+7, 14+3, 14+8, 19-3, 14-2, 10-10, 0-7, 7+9, 17-8, 17-13}
and with this: local RandomEasyProblem = EasyProblems[math.random(1, 19)] it can choose the answer to a random problem. however, i want the problem to appear in a TextLabel and then the player would have to type the answer to the chosen problem in a TextBox, or the answer is a local variable.


local Main = script.Parent
local Frame = Main:WaitForChild("Frame")
local Text = Frame:WaitForChild("TextLabel")
local EasyProblems = {17+10, 20+13, 40-21, 20-7, 14+12, 18+2, 21-3, 14-8, 15+6, 9+10, 7+7, 14+3, 14+8, 19-3, 14-2, 10-10, 0-7, 7+9, 17-8, 17-13}
local EasyAnswers 
local RandomEasyProblem = EasyProblems[math.random(1, 19)]
Text.Text = RandomEasyProblem
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local Main = script.Parent
local Frame = Main:WaitForChild("Frame")
local Text = Frame:WaitForChild("TextLabel")

local EasyProblems = {"17+10", "20+13", "40-21", "20-7", "14+12", "18+2", "21-3", "14-8", "15+6", "9+10", "7+7", "14+3", "14+8", "19-3", "14-2", "10-10", "0-7", "7+9", "17-8", "17-13"}
local EasyAnswers 
local RandomEasyProblem = EasyProblems[math.random(1, #EasyProblems)]

Text.Text = RandomEasyProblem

I made them into strings, should work now


ive already tried that but i think you forgot this:

or when the problem shows up the answer to it would be printed?

Just as some advice, if you’re checking the answer too, convert it to a number at it will give you the answer.

You can do this with string.split() and string.match(), I simplified it in a function.

local Seed =

local function GetAnswer(Problem)
	local Splited
	if Problem:match("+") then
		Splited = string.split(Problem, "+")
        return tonumber(Splited[1]) + tonumber(Splited[2])
	elseif Problem:match("-") then
		Splited = string.split(Problem, "-")
        return tonumber(Splited[1]) - tonumber(Splited[2])

local Main = script.Parent
local Frame = Main:WaitForChild("Frame")
local Text = Frame:WaitForChild("TextLabel")

local EasyProblems = {"17+10", "20+13", "40-21", "20-7", "14+12", "18+2", "21-3", "14-8", "15+6", "9+10", "7+7", "14+3", "14+8", "19-3", "14-2", "10-10", "0-7", "7+9", "17-8", "17-13"}
local RandomEasyProblem = EasyProblems[Seed:NextInteger(1, #EasyProblems)]
local Answer = GetAnswer(RandomEasyProblem)

Text.Text = RandomEasyProblem



Why bother doing that when if you convert it, lua will automatically give the answer without any of that necessary.

Please do some research before making comments, if tonumber() finds a character which is not a number it will automatically return nil.

local Problem = "2+3"

print(tonumber(Problem)) -- nil

Ah right, I didn’t consider that, totally slipped my mind.

local Main = script.Parent
local Frame = Main:WaitForChild("Frame")
local Text = Frame:WaitForChild("TextLabel")

function RNG(Min, Max)
    return, Max)

function GetOperator()
    local Operators = {

    return Operators[RNG(1, #Operators)]

function Solve(Problem)
    local First, Operator, Last = string.match(Problem, "(%d+)(.-)(%d+)")
    local Operators = {
        ["+"] = function()
            return First + Last
        ["-"] = function()
            return First - Last

    return Operators[Operator]()

function CreateProblem()
    local Problem = RNG(0, 100)..GetOperator().. RNG(0, 100)

        Problem = RNG(0, 100)..GetOperator().. RNG(0, 100)
    until Solve(Problem) % 1 == 0

    return Problem, Solve(Problem)

local Problem, Answer = CreateProblem()

print(Problem, Answer)

Text.Text = Problem

this code only changes the text label once, if you want to make the questions go on forever you need to have something to submit the answer with(like a button)

the code gives random problems and answers so you don’t have to

this won’t work for subtraction
GetAnswer("10-5") returns 15 not 5

this is because of the last line, you always add the numbers

so which one is the one that will actually work?

my code works, but if you read you will have to do more if you want multiple problems

I didn’t implement it because I don’t know how your explorer looks or how you want it to work

how come this doesnt work?

	if enterpressed and TextType.Text == Answer then

“e” prints if the if statement changes to: if enterpressed and TextType.Text ~= Answer then

also how would i do different modes of difficulty as the functions are adding and subtraction, for example the function “CreateProblem” could be “CreateEasyProblem” and then there is another function like that but it is “CreateHardProblem” which is something else. to do that would there have to be more functions then different CreateProblem functions?

what would a hard problem look like?

what happens when you print TextType.Text?

probably something like: (𝑥^3)^2(𝑦^5)^2
basically multiplying and dividing monomials
and it prints what i typed

yea my bad, I know why it doesn’t work now
you are comparing a string and a number

    if enterpressed and tonumber(TextType.Text) == Answer then

we can fix this by using tonumber()

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i thought so, knew there was a function to do that but didnt know what it was

well ill experiment around with stuff and if i have a question ill just dm you, thanks

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