April 22, 2023, 4:18am
So my games has lives in it and this is the lives display:
Looks normal however WITHOUT changing the size at all this happens when the number gets changed:
How can I always make the number centered? Possibly by messing with the textbounds?
Thanks in advance for any help
Edit: want to clarify that this belongs in scripting support just incase. I am asking for a way to code it so that the text can always be centered.
April 22, 2023, 4:52am
Put it under a frame and 0.5 anchor for the x axis, 0.5 position for the x-axis, and make sure the textlabel alignment is centered
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maybe it has something to do with textscaled and richtext, also make sure that it uses scale and not offset for size
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April 22, 2023, 5:08am
It does the scale is 1,0,1,0 and the position is 0.5,0.5 and its anchor point is also 0.5 0.5
text also isn’t scaled. The position of the frame doesnt change at all or the size. Its just the way the text is so I believe I have to utilize textbounds somehow to manually offset it
try looking at the position and size of the text label while it changes to see if it is actually changing or if it is a font issue
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April 22, 2023, 5:20am
turns out the position of the parenting frame was .502 instead of 0.5, Whoops!
May 6, 2023, 5:20am
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