How to change properties of a clone of a group


So, I created a script which should randomize chest spawns and make random chests, but I can’t change the values of the clones of groups, and I want to know how to do that. The script is as follows:

local Point1 = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Point1")
local Point2 = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Point2")
local CommonChest = game.Workspace.CommonChest
local Pos1 = Point1.Position
local Pos2 = Point2.Position
local X1 = Pos1.X
local Y1 = Pos1.Y
local Z1 = Pos1.Z
local X2 = Pos2.X
local Y2 = Pos2.Y
local Z2 = Pos2.Z
while true do
	--Get random coordinates
	local xRand = math.random(math.min(X1, X2), math.max(X1, X2))
	local yRand = math.random(math.min(Y1, Y2), math.max(Y1, Y2))
	local zRand = math.random(math.min(Z1, Z2), math.max(Z1, Z2))
	if math.random(1,10) <= 5 then
		CommonClone = CommonChest:Clone()
		CommonClone.Transparency = 0
		CommonClone.Anchored = false
		CommonClone.Position.X = xRand
		CommonClone.Position.Y = yRand
		CommonClone.Position.Z = zRand
		print("Successfully created a Common Chest!")
	if math.random(5,10) <= 7 then
			print("Successfully created a Rare Chest!")
			if math.random(8,10) <= 9 then
				print("Successfully created an Epic Chest!")
				print ("Successfully created a legendary chest!")
	local waittime = math.random(1,5)
	--Destroy Clones Before Next Loop Starts

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

What error code do you receive?

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[Transparency is not a valid member of Model]
I’m sure this would apply to all the other property-changes in the script.

An error message almost always tells you what is wrong. It looks like you’re trying to set a ‘Transparency’ property of a model, but model instances don’t have a Transparency property. You need to change the transparency of the parts inside the model, instead.


That’s what I thought was the problem. Thanks for your feedback.

On the developer forum, make sure to always include an error code. Before posting, make sure to look up the error code as well!

Response above states the solution.

Best of luck,

Lead Programmer

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