How to check if a value is changed in a folder

I want a function to happen when any value in a folder is changed how would I check for this using .changed

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You could try something like this

local Folder = folder --Your folder here

for i, v in ipairs(Folder:GetDescendants()) do
        --What you want to do whenever that value is changed

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If you want to know what value is changed exactly, you may try this:

for i, v in ipairs(Folder:GetDescendants()) do
		--What you want to do whenever that property is changed
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Folder shows that you can check for Folder.Instance.Changed.
If you want to find out which property is changed then use Instance:GetPropertyChangedSignal

local folder = workspace.Folder --Example folder.

for _, valueInstance in ipairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
	if valueInstance:IsA("ValueBase") then
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If you want to check if any values in a folder have changed, you can use a for loop to loop through the folder and grab all the children:

for i, v in ipairs(workspace.FolderOfValues:GetChildren()) do
	if v:IsA("IntValue") or v:IsA("StringValue") then
			print(v.Name.."'s value has changed to "..value)

We use an if statement to check if v is an IntValue or StringValue, and if so, we check for when v’s value has changed using the .Changed event.

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I should have thought of that but why did you use GetDescendants instead of GetChildren?

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The descendants function also gets the children of the children, so basically everything parented in that folder.

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Just check if the instance inherits from the ValueBase class (the base class for those instances).

Yes you can do that, the only reason I didn’t do that was because I can’t concatenate a BoolValue without using tostring(), and I didn’t want to have to add in more code than necessary.

The issue is, that when a new instance is added to that folder the for loop doesn’t count it