I want an if statement that determines if someone random has a variable that is true, basically meaning if the variable is true for me, and it’s true for you, and the game randomly chooses you, XY and Z will happen.
Variable name is hasQueued.
I want an if statement that determines if someone random has a variable that is true, basically meaning if the variable is true for me, and it’s true for you, and the game randomly chooses you, XY and Z will happen.
Variable name is hasQueued.
local GetQueuedPlayers()
local buf = {}
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
local hasQueued = v:findFirstChild("hasQueued")
if hasQueued.Value then
table.insert(buf, v)
return buf
local GetRandomQueuedPlayer()
local Players = GetQueuedPlayers()
return Players[math.random(1, #Players)]