How to cleanly "Throw" a weapon?

So i’m trying to make a light-saber ability where you throw the light-saber, so I tried using tween service and it look really weird…

If you know a good way to do this please reply! Thanks! :slight_smile:

(This uses Quenty’s weld script if that’s of any help, i constantly check if the tweening is done if not disable and enable the script.)

You could use Roblox physics and use :SetNetworkOwner(personWhoFires) it removed lag for projectiles I made using Roblox physics

did not seem to do much…

all it does is lessen the lag… not keep the parts together…

Oh I thought that’s what you wanted. Maybe you could weld the model then set the network owner?

it welds when you equip the light-saber…

But when you clone it to throw it

i dont clone it…

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Not the answer to your issue, but it may be easier to solve if you don’t use the Roblox tool system

You could just remove it from the character or when the player drops it,set the velocity of each part in the direction you want it to be thrown, then parent it back.

Or you can move all the parts into a model, then use a body position to move it back and forth and make it a tool again

i parented them all to a model then used :SetPrimaryPartCFrame to move it.

Your gonna run into issues with the model stuttering around in a live server because you will have to use a server script move it. I suggest making a clone of the object in the workspace and having it play an animation of the object flying forward.

As an added benefit you can put some satisfying spin onto the weapon :smiley: