How to constantly update Pathfinding without shuttering

Hey there, I’m currently making a simple pathfinding, it works perfectly when the target isn’t changing its position, but will shutter / halt itself if the target does change. Here’s my code:

local PathFinding = {}
PathFinding.__index = PathFinding

local PathFindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")

local defaultAgentParams = {
	AgentRadius = 2, 
	AgentHeight = 5, 
	AgentCanJump = true,

function PathFinding.init(AI, target)
	local self = setmetatable({}, PathFinding)

	self.Path = PathFindingService:CreatePath(defaultAgentParams)

	self.AI = AI
	self.AIHrp = AI.HumanoidRootPart
	self.TargetHRP = target

	self.posChangeInterval = 0.5
	self.oldTargetPos = self.TargetHRP.Position

	self.Finished = false
	self.pathComputed = false

	return self

local function checkPosDiff(oldPos, newPos, interval)
	local n = (oldPos - newPos).Magnitude

	return n >= interval 

function PathFinding:ComputePath()
	local t = tick()

	self.Path:ComputeAsync(self.AIHrp.Position, self.TargetHRP.Position)

	--print("Time took to generate path: " .. tostring(tick() - t))
	--[[self.timesComputed += 1]]

	if self.Path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
		local waypoints = self.Path:getWaypoints()

		for i, point in pairs(waypoints) do		
			local targetPos = self.TargetHRP.Position

			if not self then break end

			if checkPosDiff(self.oldTargetPos, targetPos, self.posChangeInterval) then
				-- Recompute the path if the target has moved
				self.oldTargetPos = targetPos

				print("Broke loop")

			local part ="Part")
			part.Size =, 0.5, 0.5)
			part.Anchored = true
			part.CanCollide = false
			part.Position = point.Position
			part.Parent = workspace

			--print("Begin Moving")
			--print("Finished Moving")

			self.oldTargetPos = targetPos	

		--self.Finished = true

function PathFinding:DestroyPath()
	for i, _ in pairs(self) do
		self[i] = nil

	self = nil
	setmetatable(self, nil)

return PathFinding

The AI will compute a new path if the target has moved, this check is done in the for loop for the movement itself (Note that the script is not wrapped in a while loop and it should not be)

If the target is constantly moving, the AI will stop itself to compute a new path and detect the movement again, repeats the process (Which in turn cause the AI to stop), instead of following the target. Video example:

I want the AI to CONSTANTLY follow the plr, no matter what. I tried adding a i > 2 in the movement check but the shuttering is still immense.

Any help is appreciated profusely!

You dont use a for loop for all your waypoints because its expensive and less dynamic. Instead get the 3rd point, and use Humanoid:MoveTo(waypoints[3].position) also do an if statement that checks if your path has 3 or more waypoints