How To Covert BodyPosition to AlignPosition?

I want to convert this into AlignPosition as BodyPosition is deprecated, how can I achieve similar effect?

bodyPositionLift ="BodyPosition", humanoidRootPart)

bodyPositionLift.Position = humanoidRootPart.Position +, 10, 0)
bodyPositionLift.MaxForce = * 999999
bodyPositionLift.D = 200
bodyPositionLift.P = 800
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You can replace BodyPosition with AlignPosition. AlignPosition uses attachments, so you’ll need to create one on the part. try using this script.

-- Create an attachment
local attachment ="Attachment")
attachment.Parent = humanoidRootPart

-- Create AlignPosition
local alignPositionLift ="AlignPosition")
alignPositionLift.Parent = humanoidRootPart
alignPositionLift.Attachment0 = attachment

-- Set properties for AlignPosition
alignPositionLift.Position = humanoidRootPart.Position +, 10, 0)
alignPositionLift.MaxForce = 999999
alignPositionLift.Responsiveness = 200
alignPositionLift.RigidityEnabled = false

I think this will give you behavior similar to BodyPosition. You can tweak Responsiveness and RigidityEnabled for the effect!

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I tried that but it did not work.

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Anyone else can help please? It’ll be greatly appreciated.

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