How to create a overhead gui?


I am trying to create an overhead gui system where people are able to unlock and purchase different overhead guis which show their rank. Most of the tutorials and resources I’ve seen have been for group ranks, which are for Cafe/roleplaying groups, and not for games which support different titles.

I did see a post of someone making a script which inserts a billboard gui into the character using a server script, but when I tried it, it didn’t work.

Can anyone help me make this? I think I know how to make a system kind of work, but I need help with how to make the overhead gui, and what kind of script to use for it, and for the script which changes the player’s overhead gui and changing it for other players too (e.g., if player A equips “Master” title, it’ll change their title to master, and everyone else in the game will be able to see the title.

Anything will help. Thanks!

You must insert the BillboardGui and Frame(or whatever GuiObject) instances correctly. Try this manually and then reimplement it procedurally as you want it to look like(or just create one and store, copy the template and adjust) and remember to parent them.

I can’t see anything you have tried. I will not be able to accurately figure it out intuitively, since every script is always so different stylistically.

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Aren’t you supposed to insert the gui into the character and not the player?

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Yeah, I meant it like that, sorry my mistake!

No problem. Try creating guis on the client (from a local script) and inserting it into the character and setting the Adornee to the Head, adding an offset.

Place a billboard gui into the player’s HumanoidRootPart, then change its Y offset show its above the head, designing the ui is the same as any regular screengui

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Do you know what the offset number would be to be above the players head?

Do you have an existing code examples?

try a worldvectoroffset of (0, 3, 0), but you can just experiment with it urself. It depends on the height of your characters