How to detect a Model is nil/destroyed/goneFromServer?

attacks = PlayersAttackSelect()
	for i,v in pairs (attacks) do
		if v.Target.BattleInfo.Alive.Value == false then v.Target = Enemies[math.random(1,#Enemies)] end -- This line
		for i,v in pairs (Enemies) do
			if Enemies[i].BattleInfo.Alive.Value == false then 
		if next(Enemies) == nil then BattleActive = false end

If the Target dies, then it’s model get destroyed, but when other players are trying to attack the same target, he’s not there (and thus the script stops). I need a way to detect that the Target Model is not there anymore so the game selects a new target.

Edit: I’ll just take the complicated path.

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FindFirstChild is great to use in these situations because instead of erroring, it’ll just return nil if the Instance doesn’t exist.

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Or you could say “if target then”

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if no v.Target then Doesn’t scan if the enemy is alive and thus no select random enemy, breaking the script.
if v.Target then Game goes wild and selects new enemy, despite the target is alive.

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if no v.Target.Parent:FindFirstChild(v.Target) Doesn’t work. It still breaks the script.

The opposite (by removing not) breaks the script too.

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