How to diagnose Studio Play closing slowly

Suddenly starting yesterday, Studio Play takes a long time to close, sometimes well over a minute. This happened out of the blue and I have no idea why, I have some new code in place but nothing I thought might cause this.

The worst part is, there is nothing in the output to help me diagnose where this delay is coming from. How would I even go about diagnosing the issue? Are there any tools to see what is going on in the shutdown process?

If i try server testing in Studio with multiple players and they leave the game, the disconnection seems to happen at the normal, quick speed. I see directly in the server windows that the player has disconnected.

It is only in the regular Play test mode this seems to happen.

Are you using anything with bindtoclose such as datastore saving?

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The reason is a bug I’ve never noticed that’s been around for years and nobody noticed. It was just normal to us until now.

Report it as a bug, it’s not Scripting Support

I have a single BindToClose for my Datastore module (ProfileService) and i did try commenting it out and the problem persists

I mainly here to see if people had some tools to diagnose, like it would be nice if i could see what tasks the server was doing without adding a ton of stuff to my own code.