How to do tick()

I’ve not heard about tick() being deprecated, but I have seen some some forum posts saying that - is there an official announcement for it being deprecated? It doesn’t show it as deprecated on the Roblox Globals page of the DevHub

I know this is the second time asking for a source today lol, I don’t mean to be questioning everything you’re saying

ALSO @ZINTICK your example here won’t work:

if timeActivated - tick()==10 then-- you can change the number of time you want the part (bomb) explode

Because you’re checking if the time difference is an exact time, when it’ll very very very likely be a decimal, so it won’t be true. It should change to >=
(also should always have a capital i which was missed in the last code segment. It would be good to test these in studio before posting to make sure. I like the idea of the post though!)


My bad, I must have heard a rumor or something but os.clock() is faster and more accurate than tick().

tick() will be deprecated soon.

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thx you about that completely forgot about the decimals part lol

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when it does i will make a tutorial on os

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Appreciated! Though, that post says os.clock() is the better alternative instead, since os.time() returns an integer instead of a decimal number of seconds.


The only complaint I have is that anytime you do

if timeActivated - tick()==10 then

Or similar, it has to be the other way around

if tick() - timeActivated == 10 then

Because a new tick is always going to be greater in this case and you’re trying to see if it’s equal to a positive number. Although, it’s only going to check for exact equality, which I guess it’s fine if you need that, although probably better to be >=. Also

local function bombMaker(position)
 local timeActivated = tick()

 if timeActivated - tick()==10 then
  local Explosion ="Explosion", workspace)-- create explosion
  Explosion.Position = position-- we use the position parameter to position our Explosion

This only checks the condition once, nothing repeats it, it’s probably better if you just use wait(10) instead

local function bombMaker(position)
   local Explosion ="Explosion", workspace)-- create explosion
   Explosion.Position = position-- we use the position parameter to position our Explosion

Also, I thnik you accidentally did the bold thing as there’s this line

Overall, not sure what the Tutorial is trying to teach besides what tick is, there’s no proper examples of how it can be used from what I can see


Considering the title is “How to do tick()”, I would assume that’s what it’s trying to teach.

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os.clock() is better and more precise for measuring time between two variables, such as what you showed in the example.

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its hopefully going to be deleted soon dont worry since no one liked it

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It is teaching nothing but misinformation with a example that does not even work, which even uses the deprecated argument of

The only thing that is correct in this post is the first part of it, which just defines tick().

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I think I may’ve worded myself incorrectly, I meant to write that it, while yes it does the job and explains what tick is and what it does, it doesn’t give good examples as to how it can be properly used, as the examples given won’t work properly, such as the bomb example because the statement is only checked once, thus the condition is not going to be met.

Proper examples are a good way to teach someone new to a topic how a thing is done and how it can be used. But I’ll give @OP some benefit of the doubt because there is a slight bit of effort, but a lot of improvement is required

Actually the 2nd argument of isn’t deprecated last I heard, it’s just not recommended to be used, especially if a lot of properties are being set

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i will admit i didnt put as much work in this one then my first one i will try not to do the same thing with my next one which is going to be about the coolest Danial os.clock and his best friend
plz flag this tutorial

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That’s a recommendation by a Roblox staff member, it isn’t publicly mentioned that the argument is deprecated, it’s just recommended to parent it at the end instead of relying on the 2nd argument

Although the 2nd argument does have uses, such as if you only change 0 or 1 property for example, such as wanting to make a blank folder

local Folder ="Folder",workspace)

Is going to be the same as

local Folder ="Folder")
Folder.Parent = workspace

In terms of performance, so it still has slight usecases, should only really cause problems if tons of properties need to be changed or if tons of Instances are going to be made, then parenting it last is better

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You can delete it by clicking the 3 dots under it and press the delete button.

for that to happen a moderator can only delete it

Your responses are ambiguous. Let me explain in more detail.

In this post, it stated that tick will be deprecated soon. Now let’s talk about alternatives:

os.time() returns the amount of seconds since the Unix Epoch in UTC time.

os.clock() has more precision than tick but is not in UTC, this should be used for benchmarking.

Another option no one talks about is DateTime. It provides a lot of easy formatting and time getting options. Here is documentation.

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