How to enable NEW bubble chat, change color & font for each player

Thanks! I’ll update this post!


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This is an easy way to customise your scripts in a game, I will definitely use this guide to make an easier way for people with epilepsy in my game for easier reading for the chat messages. I really appreciate it and will momentarily add it to my game, thank you. :wink:


The model and the tutorial as well has been updated. Due to popularity, I have decided to make it more easier to use. Now you can change values to change color. You no longer have to edit the script to change colors.

Thanks for this tutorial, really appreciate it :slight_smile:

I have updated the post to make it comfortable with the newest bubble chat.


I have attempted to edit the in-game new bubble chat but i doesn’t seem to be changing at all after the changing it.

I do not know what is going on. I have tried the same thing from the original post of the release of this new feature but also doesn’t work.


Move the LocalScript to StarterGui that should do it :+1:


This bubble chat was released recently, thus it has tons of bugs. For a lots of users, bubble chat’s body doesn’t appear in Studio. And some players can’t see the bubble chat as well. As said in the original post, 20% of the mobile players can’t see the new bubble chat. So I’d recommend you to wait until the bugs are fixed. Or try some methods, as @AlejandroDZ said.

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It appears that the bubble chat body for the Roblox studio gameplay has been fixed.

EDIT: I will be trying the other method tho.


Do you still have the issue? You still can’t see the bubble chat? Make sure you enabled bubble chat, and put the code into a LocalScript and put the Script inside ReplicatedFirst.


Oh, then it appears that you have made a mistake here if I should put it in ReplicatedFirst. I will be trying ReplicatedFirst and StarterGui.


Oops, looks like i said the wrong thing. My bad, extremely sorry. Will fix this now.

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It’s okay. Everybody does a mistake sometimes.

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It appears that there was an error within the post and it’s actual place should be in ReplicatedFirst.

I do appreciate your help tho!


For some reason the background and text color doesn’t change. Amazing plugin though! Beautiful design as well :slight_smile:


The post has been updated and added the latest additions of bubble chat to the tutorial. Also added per-player customization and some scripts. Enjoy!

If you are looking to add bubble chat with transparent background, check out this reply.


Is there a way to have it use a Team or GroupId?
(or maybe a table which inserts a UserId on event and when the UserId is removed from the table, their their chat goes back to normal)

Could you please tell me how I would do it to all players with a certain group rank? (Not locally)

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Is the ‘Gamepass Owners Settings’ supposed to be localscript or script?

Whenever I make it a localscript i get this error:

MarketPlace:UserOwnsGamePassAsync() can only query local player	

Script 'Players.<Player>.PlayerScripts.LocalScript', Line 32 - function UpdatePlayerBubbleChats
Script 'Players.<Player>.PlayerScripts.LocalScript', Line 46
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Where is this supposed to go? Is it a LocalScript or ServerScript? I don’t think this works anymore.

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