How to get how many random need to be done to get specific number

like math.random(0,100)

print output : 51 times to get number 20

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for i = 1, 500 do -- taking anything above 500 attempts is unlikely, or more likely, math.randomseed has been set
	local randomNumber = math.random(1,100)
	if randomNumber ~= 20 then continue end
	print("it took",i,"attempts to roll the number 20")


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can you do like more than 500? like forever

yes you can just make the

for i = 1, 500 do

make the 500 bigger

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yea like what @SubLimitless said but i wouldnt recommend it incase math.randomseed is set bc your game would just crash

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I really do not understand your question but i made something that might be useful

local function GetNumber(target)
    local attempts = 0
        attempts = attempts + 1
        local RandomNumber = math.random(0, 100) 
    until RandomNumber == target
    return attempts

Example of use:
local Attempts = GetNumber(20) -- This will repeat forever until get the number
 print("It took " .. Attempts .. " attempts to get the number 20") -- Stop the function when got the number

It can take much or less time depending of the “luck”

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This is working better thanks!!

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