How to make a button show all available weaponry?

Heya there.

I’m working on a fangame for a game called “Noobs vs Zombies: Relish Reborn”. I’m currently working on a loadout system where your able to equip different types of weapons via either leveling up, badges, or gamepasses. The issue is that I don’t know how how I would do something like this.

(Sorry if the image is a bit low-quality and the text is hard to read.)

For anyone who couldn’t read the red text, clicking on of those buttons (Primary, Secondary, Melee, Etc) would open up a small scrolling frame which’ll duplicate that one lone image button until it displays pretty much every primary, secondary, etc.

For anyone wondering, yes, the selection screen will have access to a folder filled with all of the weapons in the game so it’ll access their name, tool image, stats, descriptions, and so on.

Just do a loop, i.e

for _, v in pairs(path:GetChildren()) do -- Path is the frame on the left
if v:IsA("Class") then -- Image label or whatever would be Class
local clonedObject = v:Clone()
clonedObject.Parent = wherever -- Wherever is the path to middle frame

hopefully i understood properly, if not explain again

Of course, the issue is that the answer you provided me doesn’t format the single image button and simply just clones it. How would I be able to format it?

Adjust the properties of it???