How to make a day/night system with days of the week

Hey everyone! So I made a day and night cycle system that tells you the AM/PM, day of the week, hour, minute, and second. I could’t find a good one so I just made one myself and I want to show you how to do it too!

I was really inspired by how clean and pretty Welcome to Bloxburg’s [Created by @coeptus] day and night cycle worked so I made a very similar one.

My previous day/night systems were pretty basic, just a loop that adds 0.1 to lighting.ClockTime. I personally thought this wasn’t enough and looked really bad. This module changes the sun’s position every 3 hours and looks really clean. This can potentially increase your player’s engagement in your game!

If you don’t wanna learn how its made, just take this model and stop reading or keep reading and learn how to do it yourself!

First I just add a ModuleScript to ReplicatedStorage and add the main system

function module:StartTime()
	while true do
		for d = 0,6,1 do --Days of the week
			for h = 1,24,1 do --Hours per day
				for m = 0,59,1 do --Minutes Per Hour
					for s = 0,59,1 do --Seconds per minute

Next add these couple functions and variables! I'll explain what they do in the image!

local module = {}

-- Essential Variables --

local MA = "AM"
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local LG = game:GetService("Lighting")
local sunTime = 0


local function ChangeAM(num) --This function checks if the current period of the day is AM or PM
	if num <= 12 then
		MA = "AM"
	elseif num > 12 then
		MA = "PM"
	if num % 3 == 0 then --This checks to see if the hour is divisible by 3 w/o a remainder, if it is it moves the sun's position
		for i = sunTime,num,0.05 do
			sunTime = i
			LG.ClockTime = sunTime

local function FormatHour(num) --This function chenges the time from military time to standard format
	if num > 12 then
		return tostring(num - 12)
		return tostring(num)

local function FormatNumber(num) --Formats numbers if they are under 10 then it would put a 0 in front of the number for a more readable format [EX. 00,01,...,08,09]
	if num <= 9 then
		return "0"..tostring(num)
		return tostring(num)

local function FormatDay(num) --Converts the number [Day] to a more readable value
	num = num + 1
	local days = {"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"}
	return days[num]

Now just add the functions to the main function and you are done!

function module:StartTime()
	while true do
		for d = 0,6,1 do
			for h = 1,24,1 do
				ChangeAM(h) --Run this function every hour, see above for how it works
				for m = 0,59,1 do
					for s = 0,59,1 do
						local DateTime = FormatHour(h)..":"..FormatNumber(m)..":"..FormatNumber(s).." "..MA.." "..FormatDay(d) --Vairable for concatenating the data
						print(DateTime)--Print the data
						RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() --Put a wait(1) here for realistic time

return module

Now just put this code in a Server script and click play on your game!


Output should look like this!


Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope this helps you on your quest to become a big time developer!

Here is the model again so you don’t have to scroll up. Any thoughts or improvements you think would be nice, please don’t be afraid to ask in the comments!

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