So I am making this game and I just need help with this part:
User clicks a UI button and they buy a developer product, once they but it, it enters them in a queue and when it is there turn it teleports them to an area and lets them stay up there for 60 seconds and once there time is done it teleports them back down. If they are in the queue they can’t re buy it until there turn is over, how do I make this?
In your ProcessReceipt callback, you’d check if they’re in the queue or if it’s currently their turn before inserting them and returning Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted. Otherwise, return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet, as their insertion into the queue is the product they’re paying for, and you can’t process it yet.
Also, it helps to not be intentionally vague or go to specific with implementation when asking for scripting help. What kind of game would you build with such a system? Give an implementation example of how you expect it to work on a code level.