How To Make a Jump Over Obstacles Animation

I want to make something like:

– Detecting when you’re on or near a ledge
– Catching/grabbing ahold of ledges when falling or jumping
– Jumping up from ledges when you’re holding onto one (might be the same mechanic as wall jumping, not sure.)

Example out of Roblox:
2020-11-18 14-55-50 - Embed

Might be tough unless you actually use something other than the Jump input for the rolling animation.
If the player wanted to jump up onto that Part then the rolling animation wouldn’t work so maybe something like E, Q, Shift or Tab for that separate action?

no, thats was just a example.
What I mean it is like when he press space bar near a parts his body grab the ledges of the parts and jump over it.

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You might want to use rays that cast from the Humanoid’s Root Part to it’s front, if the ray finds a part and a key is pressed then make the Character go over the Part

yes I may do that.
and can I reposition the HumanoidRootPart of the player?
to do don’t get bugs or glitchs

you should try moving the HumanoidRootPart normally first, if there are glitches then set all of the player’s parts to CanCollide off then try again

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ok thanks
I will try that thanks for your helps