How to Make an airplane system

How could i make a Airplane where you walk in the airplane and the airplane moves without someone driving it and it brings you to a Island

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Please look at the topics you are posting in before you post to find which topic your post belongs in :smiley:

What topic should i use???

At the entrance of the plane where the person put a part and a touched event on that part to wait (however many seconds you want) then create a tween to the island, this can easily be done. If the plane is a mesh, just tween it, if its a model, then anchor 1 part of the plane, weld it with constraints to every other part which you need to unanchor, and just tween the anchored part.

(You may have to do multiple teens as a plane first rises then lands.)

Somebody edited it into the right category for you! Something like this should be in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support :slight_smile:

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Help and feedback, scripting support.

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