Pretty self explanatory, but just for some clarification this is a GUI all players can see, but only one player can use at a time. I need to know how to make it so only that one player can scroll with the scrolling frame.
Kind of like a leaderboard for a tycoon or something?
A LocalScript will get you the effect you want, only the player that scrolls will be able to see changes!
yeah something like that except I need other players to be able to see what the person using it is doing
You could use RemoteEvents and bind a function to the CanvasPosition of the scrollingframe changing and update it from there
The thing is, I want other players to be able to see the player, yknow, scrolling. I want the other players to be able to watch but be unable to interact.
Something like this
This almost works the only problem is that since both the player and the server script are changing the position it leads to it being jittery.
you can use :FireClient() to fire it for every other client
for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers() do
if player ~= PlayerWhoSent then
remoteevent:FireClient(player, CanvasPosition)
Yeah I kinda thought of this but I was hoping there would be some other easier solution that you magic people would know. Thanks anyways though I will do this!
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