How to make reflect part

how to make a reflect part that u deal damage to the part the damage come back to you

when you damage the part, make a check that checks if it reflects, and if it does then damage the player that dealt the damage (you).

deal damage >> if reflect then >> reflect damage >> end

how to make the reflect damage script?

and tutorial or something? idk that

For example:
You have a Sword. In the Sword, there a Boolean value that is set to false.
When you are hitting your enemy with the sword but He use Reflect/Protect, Set the Boolean value to true and Deal damage to yourself instead.

how to make the script dealing damage to yourself

like if Enemy.Value == true then
i take damage?


There is a inbuilt function in Roblox’s API that allows you to damage players using their Humanoid. That function is :TakeDamage()

Here’s an example:

--Put this in a server script!


  local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() --Get the character, or wait for the character to load.
  local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") --Wait for the Humanoid
  local DamageToTake = 20 --How much HP you want to be removed.

In summary, use the Humanoid and then the given function :TakeDamage() (inside the brackets how much HP you want to be removed) to damage a player.