How to make script find object from it's name

So I’m trying to make it so that a script can find an object by the first letters of it’s name and keeps going until there’s a space.

Basically, there is a folder and it contains many objects with names like
id_8 | Hammer
id_9 | Box
id_10 | Wrench

and the script is given a value 9 and it looks for the object id_9 | Box and it accesses the tables inside the object (the object is a ModuleScript).

I’m really inexperienced with strings and don’t know how to do this.
Maybe I’ll try to experiment around with it and see what I can do

Your best bet would be to read throught this entire documentation and try to understand it, or look up some youtube tutorials.

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There’s not a tutorial on string.match but string.find. Would it be possible if I wrote out something like:

for _, v in pairs() do
	if string.find(v.Name, "id_" then
		--access some stuff

I think so, just play around with it and see what works.