How to prevent velocity from decreasing (or make velocity decrease slower)

Hi, I’m making a game currently that is heavily focused on speed and velocity.
My problem is that despite currently being on 0 gravity, my momentum decreases – Gyazo link to issue [edit]

When I’m midair, you can see i press a button to give me forward momentum (that is not me pressing W) and afterwards I slow down to a stop.

I’m trying to make that small push of velocity not decrease as fast as it does and instead send you a large distance at a slow pace.

Is there a built in way to slow this drop in velocity?

Bump. Still having this issue and have not thought of anything to fix/counteract the velocity decrease.

have you tried align position or vector force to move the character or how are you setting velocity?

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I use the humanoidRootPart’s Velocity (game.workspace.PLAYER.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity

oh ok yeah you need to use some type of mover like force or align position if you just set velocity like that you would have to constant set it until your done

else you could try to make a 0 gravity script

A vector force which pairs with regular velocity has solved my issue. Thank you Nyonic!

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