I’m basically trying to make it so that when the player rejoins their last walkspeed they had originally had before leaving is set upon joining but I don’t know how to override this
local humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
local physicalStats = player:WaitForChild("PhysicalStats")
local speed = physicalStats:WaitForChild("Speed")
local speedMulti = player:WaitForChild("Multipliers"):WaitForChild("SpeedMulti")
local powerMultiplier = player:WaitForChild("Stats"):WaitForChild("PowerMultiplier")
local geneticsPowerMulti = player:WaitForChild("Stats"):WaitForChild("GeneticsPowerMulti")
local doublePowerMulti = player:WaitForChild("Stats"):WaitForChild("DoublePowerMulti")
local boostDoublePowerMulti = player:WaitForChild("Stats"):WaitForChild("BoostdoublePowerMulti")
local minWalkSpeed = 16
local walkSpeedCap = 230
local minJumpHeight = 7.2
local maxJumpHeight = 175
local lastWalkSpeed = player:FindFirstChild("LastWalkSpeed") or Instance.new("IntValue")
lastWalkSpeed.Name = "LastWalkSpeed"
lastWalkSpeed.Value = minWalkSpeed
lastWalkSpeed.Parent = player
local lastJumpHeight = player:FindFirstChild("LastJumpHeight") or Instance.new("IntValue")
lastJumpHeight.Name = "LastJumpHeight"
lastJumpHeight.Value = minJumpHeight
lastJumpHeight.Parent = player
local function calculateMaxWalkSpeed(speedValue)
if speedValue >= 5000000 then
return walkSpeedCap
elseif speedValue >= 2500000 then
return 200
elseif speedValue >= 1000000 then
return 175
elseif speedValue >= 250000 then
return 130
elseif speedValue >= 100000 then
return 100
elseif speedValue >= 50000 then
return 75
elseif speedValue >= 20000 then
return 50
elseif speedValue >= 5000 then
return 40
elseif speedValue >= 1000 then
return 30
elseif speedValue >= 500 then
return 25
elseif speedValue >= 100 then
return 20
return minWalkSpeed
local function calculateMaxJumpHeight(speedValue)
if speedValue >= 5000000 then
return maxJumpHeight
elseif speedValue >= 2500000 then
return 150
elseif speedValue >= 1000000 then
return 100
elseif speedValue >= 250000 then
return 75
elseif speedValue >= 100000 then
return 50
elseif speedValue >= 50000 then
return 35
elseif speedValue >= 20000 then
return 25
elseif speedValue >= 5000 then
return 20
elseif speedValue >= 1000 then
return 15
elseif speedValue >= 500 then
return 12
elseif speedValue >= 100 then
return 10
return minJumpHeight
game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SetWalkSpeed").OnServerEvent:Connect(function(ply, speedValue)
if ply ~= player then return end
local speedValueNum = tonumber(speed.Value) or 0
local maxAllowedSpeed = calculateMaxWalkSpeed(speedValueNum)
if speedValue <= maxAllowedSpeed then
lastWalkSpeed.Value = speedValue
humanoid.WalkSpeed = speedValue
warn("Invalid WalkSpeed entered: ", speedValue)
game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SetJumpHeight").OnServerEvent:Connect(function(ply, jumpValue)
if ply ~= player then return end
local speedValueNum = tonumber(speed.Value) or 0
local maxAllowedJump = calculateMaxJumpHeight(speedValueNum)
if jumpValue <= maxAllowedJump then
lastJumpHeight.Value = jumpValue
humanoid.JumpHeight = jumpValue
warn("Invalid JumpHeight entered: ", jumpValue)
local newHumanoid = newCharacter:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
newHumanoid.WalkSpeed = lastWalkSpeed.Value
newHumanoid.JumpHeight = lastJumpHeight.Value
while true do
if humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0 or humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then
local speedValue = tonumber(speed.Value) or 0
local speedMultiplier = tonumber(speedMulti.Value) or 1
local powerMultiplierValue = tonumber(powerMultiplier.Value) or 1
local geneticsPowerMultiValue = tonumber(geneticsPowerMulti.Value) or 1
local doublePowerMultiValue = tonumber(doublePowerMulti.Value) or 1
local boostDoublePowerMultiValue = tonumber(boostDoublePowerMulti.Value) or 1
speedValue = speedValue + (1 * speedMultiplier * powerMultiplierValue * geneticsPowerMultiValue * doublePowerMultiValue * boostDoublePowerMultiValue)
speed.Value = tostring(speedValue)
humanoid.WalkSpeed = lastWalkSpeed.Value
humanoid.JumpHeight = lastJumpHeight.Value