How to send GUI in another GUI to the back?

I am currently making a GUI for my game but ran into an issue where my GUI is in front of another GUI that I want to place behind.

I would like the white Frames to go behind the MidFrame, but couldn’t get it to work. I tried to use ZIndex, but that didn’t work, and came up with the idea that the issue is that the Frame that I want in the back is inside the GUIs I want in the front.
The GUI layout
As you can see, the 2 Frames boxed in red are the frames that I want to send behind the MidFrame(and the Build and Train buttons). Is there any way to send these frames to the back?


You can set the ZIndexBehaviour of the ScreenGui to Global. Any object with a higher ZIndex within the ScreenGui will overlap those with lower ZIndex values.


Can you explain how to use ZIndexBehaviour? I’m not sure how to use it.


Go to both frames and do this:


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It didn’t really work. I set the ZIndex to 0, but it didn’t do anything

As you can see, the ZIndex is 0 for Build, and I also set Landscape to 0 as well. It didn’t change their layering for both of them. I’m not sure if this information is useful, but Landscape, Build, and Train all have a ZIndex of 3, and MidFrame has a ZIndex of 2 currently.

Hmm, Maybe set the Build and Train frame to a ZIndex of 2

Nothing changed. Landscape’s and Build’s(instead of using Train, I switched it to Landscape)frame were still on top of their parents, and any UIs above

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I don’t think I can help you. I don’t under stand what you want to do.

It’s a property of the ScreenGui.


I see. It’s working now. Thanks for the help