While I was browsing the Lua Chat scripts I found this in ExtraDataInitializer
, from what I can see, this can be used to make tags, but how could this be exactly set up?
I browsed the DevHub but I didn’t exactly find an answer to my question. What I do understand of the script, the tags have both an Color3 value and an TagText, so I’m assuming this is shown as
[Alpha Tester] Name: Message
if not speaker:GetExtraData("Tags") then
--// Example of how you would set tags
local tags = {
TagText = "VIP",
TagColor = Color3.new(1, 215/255, 0)
TagText = "Alpha Tester",
TagColor = Color3.new(205/255, 0, 0)
speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", tags)
speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", {})
How could I use SetExtraData to assign users tags, for example an Development Team tag or an Beta Tester tag. I do understand how the script works, I just want to know how to use it.
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Here’s an example of mine:
if not speaker:GetExtraData("Tags") then
local Owner = {{TagText = "Owner", TagColor = Color3.new(175/255,0, 0)}}
local exploitTester = {{TagText = "Exploit Tester", TagColor = Color3.new(0, 170/255, 0)}}
local IvanGregrovnich = {{TagText = "Intern", TagColor = Color3.new(175/255, 221/255, 1)}}
local AleksejGrasnich = {{TagText = "ROBLOX Admin", TagColor = Color3.new(1, 215/255, 0)}}
if speakerName == "FKAGamingDeOne" then
speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", Owner)
elseif speakerName == "192he91i2nijdn1i" then
speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", exploitTester)
elseif speakerName == "IvanGregrovnich" then
speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", IvanGregrovnich)
elseif speakerName == "AleksejGrasnich" then
speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", AleksejGrasnich)
speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", {})
Thanks for showing, I didn’t really understand the “Hidden” documentation on the DevHub.
Here are the API documents for ChatSpeaker
Would I be allowed to use this in my games? I’ve been trying to find something that adds a tag to the player for a while.