How to stop a script from working on a client, but make it work on the server

I’m just gonna be using this as an example, to simplify what I want to achieve.
If I wanted to make a person their head red on the client, but I wanted for other players their head to be a changing random color, how would I do this?

I have tried making a localscript disable a script that made the head a random color, but that doesn’t work. I have tried making a localscript disable a localscript that sends a remote event signal to the script that makes the head a random color, also didn’t work.

I need help, ASAP.

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I just need some clarification…

So you basically just want to be able to affect the server and hide the effects from one client? or is it the other way around?

Either way what you want to use* is RemoteEvent | Roblox Creator Documentation or RemoteEvent:FireClient() and have the client you want to hide/show effects to render the results differently with augments you place within the OnClientEvent Function you can do anything really

LocalScript Example
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
 if Player == EffectedPlayer then
  print( Player.Name .." ".. Effect)